Colotro Team presents..

"The Story of Pandji"

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Cerita dimulai dengan karakter bernama Pandji, dia mulai dengan berbicara kepada sekelompok penonton dan menceritakan kembali bagaimana dia sampai di tempat dia sekarang. Dimulai dari awal karirnya. Dia melamar dan mendapat pekerjaan di sana, meskipun dia diberi posisi yang tidak begitu terkenal. Bahkan setelah beberapa saat, beberapa rekan kerja dan teman-temannya mulai meragukan mengapa dia terus bekerja keras dan terkadang bahkan lebih keras dari entertainer lainnya. Suatu hari, sebuah acara terkenal sedang mencari pembawa acara untuk acara yang akan datang. Asisten secara khusus meminta apakah dia bisa memerankan Pandji. Produser memberinya satu hari. Jika dalam satu hari orang tersebut tidak ditemukan, maka kami akan melanjutkan casting saat ini. Pandji bertemu dengan asisten setelah ia menemukan nomor teleponnya. Pandji senang bisa mendapatkan posisi itu. Pandji bertemu dengan produser dan bertanya-tanya mengapa produser menginginkannya secara khusus. Produser menjelaskan bahwa meskipun stasiun radio yang Anda posisikan tidak begitu terkenal, saya tidak sengaja menemukan Anda dan sejak itu mulai mendengarkan Anda di radio. Setelah hari itu, kehidupan Pandji berubah menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya dan itu karena kerja keras dan dedikasinya.

The story starts with the character named Pandji, he starts off with speaking to a bunch of audience and retells how he got to where he is now.  It begins with the start of his career. He applied and got a job there, though due to him lacking the skills of other entertainers, he was given a position that particularly wasn’t that well known. Even after a while, some of his co-workers and friends started to doubt why he continues to work hard and sometimes even harder than other entertainers. One day, a famous show was looking to cast a host for the upcoming show. The assistant asked if he could cast Pandji specifically because of his totality. The producer gave him one day.  If in one day the said person is not found, then we would continue with the current casting. Pandji met up with the assistant after the assistant found his number. Pandji was glad that he was able to get that position. Pandji met up with the producer and wondered why the producer wanted him specifically. The producer explained that even though the radio station that you were given the position of wasnt that well known, I accidentally found you and ever since started to listen to you on the radio. After that day, Pandji’s life has changed to be better than ever and that is because of his hardwork and dedication.



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Though it was carried out in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, all Colotro team members involved in making this project have recieved the COVID-19 vaccine up to the second dose, have gone through a swab test, and obeyed the safety health protocols.

Meski dilakukan di tengah Pandemi COVID-19, semua anggota tim Colotro yang terlibat dalam pembuatan proyek ini telah menerima vaksin COVID-19 hingga dosis kedua, melakukan tes swab, serta mematuhi protokol kesehatan.